Provis s.r.o.

Jiraskova 1127, Vsetin 755 01
The supplier PROVIS s.r.o. provides services in the field of software and information systems. We implement workshop production management systems and we are one of the most important partners of Microsoft Czech Republic in the field of engineering production.
We offer the Microsoft DynamicsTM NAV business management system and the AHP Leitstand operational production management system. The systems we supply are suitable for small and medium-sized companies, they are easy to operate and maintain.
Microsoft DynamicsTM NAV has a fully integrated solution to support activities in all phases of the business process, from CRM (customer relationship management), through sales activities, supply chain management and production to subsequent after-sales support. We focus on the implementation of the system in companies with custom and small series engineering or electrical production.

Development, implementation, delivery, sale, service:
- Microsoft DynamicsTM NAV business management system is an integrated solution for business process support
- The AHP Leitstand operational production management system is used for production planning and control
- OKdata system, workshop data collection
- Business Information Systems.

- implementation and support of systems
- supplies of licenses, software, hardware, SW, HW.

Our company offers services to support the operation of the information system. We rely on building a long-term relationship with the customer and use products proven by the user.
You can find us at Jiráskova 1127, Vsetín.

  • computer services, programming services, installation of operating systems, data backup, recovery of lost data, PC system speed up, replacement of computer components

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