Bretislav Passinger

Zborovska 938/1 a, Brno 616 00
Psychological help in a difficult life situation - individual and couple psychological counseling and psychotherapy

Individual psychological counseling and psychotherapy - anxiety, sadness, loneliness, shyness, relationship problems.

Areas of individual psychotherapy and counseling
- Low self-confidence
- Problems in establishing relationships (friends or partners)
- Stress in the work environment, how to say "no", consequences of stress, burnout and fatigue
- Long-term life dissatisfaction, confusion, feelings of guilt, helplessness, loneliness, fatigue, "strange" feelings, you don't understand yourself or your surroundings
- Problems in interpersonal relationships - impulsivity, instability in relationships, problems with intimacy in a relationship, problems with establishing relationships
- Anxiety and fear
- States of anxiety, panic
- Depression, loss of life motivation

Couples counseling for couples in difficult situations - communication difficulties, boundaries, responsibility and cooperation, arguments, conflicts, infidelity, separation and divorce.

Areas of couple counseling and couple therapy:
- Communication difficulties, boundaries, responsibility and cooperation
- Quarrels, conflicts
- Separation, divorce and infidelity
- Difficulties with closeness, familiarity, intimacy
- Disagreements in sex life
- Difficulty raising children
- Relationships in a couple and in the extended family (siblings, parents, grandparents)

A psychotherapeutic approach helps in challenging life situations:
- Loss of job,
- Divorce and infidelity
- Injuries and serious illnesses of one's own or in the family, loss of a partner, child, parent, sibling
- Culpability of injury, death (in the work environment, accident)

  • relationship problem solutions, stress control, depression therapies, psychological examinations, psychotherapy of personality disorders

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