Dagmar Klencova

Celakovskeho 1138/18, Plzen 301 00
Business of entity has been terminated.

  • sales of apartment decorations, metal hangers, home stands, decorative tables, decorative home ceramics
  • kitchen electrical appliances, LCD televisions, LED screens, electronics for cleaning, white electronic goods, built-in appliances, drink devices
  • sanitary agents, cleaning agents, disinfecting agents, washing agents, cleaning detergents, cosmetic preparations
  • children jackets, children shirts, children underwear, children sets, children overalls, baby clothes
  • men's trousers, underwear, formal shirts, black suits, denim trousers, short sleeve T-shirts, men's sweaters and jumpers, sports sweatshirts
  • ladies´ wear, ladies´ t-shirts, ladies´ trousers, ladies´ tights, ladies´ coats, ladies´ skirts, ladies´ tops
  • electronics for regulation systems, microprocessor systems, manufacture of electronic equipment, electrical power sources
  • alarm clocks and stopwatches, pocket watch and wall clocks, jewellery and costume jewellery, exact time
  • kitchen utensils, dining sets, ovenproof glass and ceramics, chinaware
  • non-food goods, small consumer items
  • court shoes and high boots, walking footwear, ankle boots, home slippers, sports footwear, formal shoes
  • pharmaceutical preparations, mixture of medicinal substances, curative properties, checking of medicines, human and animal health

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