Technicke sluzby Sluknov, spol. s r.o.

Cisarsky 378, Sluknov - Cisarsky 407 77
The priority of the company Technické služby Šluknov, spol. s r.o. is to ensure the maintenance and cleanliness of the city. The services we provide include maintenance of greenery, collection and disposal of waste, earthworks, pumping of sumps by fecal truck V3S, operation of the collection yard or routine repairs and maintenance of the public lighting network. We are located at Císařský 378, Šluknov.

Technical services, TS:
- collection and disposal of municipal waste
- removal and disposal of waste from gardens, attics and cellars
- removal and disposal of biological matter
- maintenance of public greenery
- felling of trees
- machine and manual cleaning of roads and sidewalks
- repairs of potholes in roads and sidewalks
- routine repairs and maintenance of the public lighting network
- providing winter maintenance
- public toilet management
- operation of a composting plant
- trucking
- earthworks JCB and JCB mini
- work with a high-lift platform 10m and 20m
- crane work load 4, 5 t.

- administration of the town cemetery
- registration and rental of grave sites
tel .: 412 386 202, 731 411 507

Novotný Glory Stadium:
- operation and administration
tel .: 730 511 156

Collection yard:
tel .: 773 066 215, 412 386 202.

- sand, gravel
- duckling
- mulch bark, soil.

  • inland truck transport, inland transport of oversized loads, haulier liability insurance
  • building lighting, interior light fixtures, outdoor light fittings, LED lights, wall lights and spotlights, pendant lights, designer lamps
  • mobile crane hire, load handling, cargo crane transport, rental of platforms
  • water line digging, sewerage digging, underground utility construction, construction of surface roads, pavement and sidewalk construction, landscaping and ground work
  • waste management, refuse collection, secondary raw materials treatment, ferrous and non-ferrous metals, disposal of car wrecks
  • installation of waste basket networks, waste separation, waste disposal, direct recycling, indirect recycling
  • construction of roads and motorways, bridge construction, highway construction, construction of crossings, construction of railway network
  • revitalization of green vegetation, orchard treatment, treatment of existing woody plants, planting of trees and bushes, lawn treatment
  • rubbish dump management, waste collection yard, waste sorting, waste management, ecological disposal of wrecks
  • dustbins and containers, waste separation containers, cleaning vehicles, litter bins, road barriers, maintenance of roads

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