Stavebni firma Zbynek Picha

Budovatelska 969, Trhove Sviny 374 01
The construction company Zbyněk Pícha performs all construction work. We provide turnkey construction of houses, reconstruction of houses and bathrooms, lofts, insulation of facades, tiling work and laying interlocking paving. We are located in the town of Trhové Sviny, district of České Budějovice.

Construction company, construction work:
- construction of family houses
- attic installations
- reconstruction of houses
- reconstruction of apartment cores
- modernization, reconstruction of bathrooms
- facades, facade insulation
- masonry work
- tiling work
- installation of tiles, paving, tiling, paving
- laying interlocking paving.

  • kitchen tiling, bathroom tiles, ceramic tiles, exterior tiling, outdoor pavement
  • bathroom tiling, bathroom reconstructions, ceramic tile application, interior cladding
  • residential unit building, terraced houses, new development projects, project documentation preparation
  • thermal insulation of house, roof repair, attic replacement, thermal insulation of building cladding, insulation of windowsills, window ledges replacement, replacement of railings, reconstruction of flats, restoration of houses, rehabilitation of plinths, substitution of lightning conductors, replacement of windows and doors
  • bathroom unit adjustment, bathroom reconstruction and renovation, bathtub replacement, replacement of shower enclosure, replacement of bathroom tiles
  • simple masonry works, concrete laying, brick wall erection, assembly of prefabricated parts, surface finish of masonry structures

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