Ověřeno EDB
EDB certified
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+420 556 756 852

Call us for more information


Za Humny 298
Novy Jicin - Loucka 741 01

MUDr. Ingrid Jecminkova - Ordinace prakticke lekarky pro dospele, zavodni lekar

Doctor's office MUDr. Ingrid Ječmínková provides quality and professional medical care in the field of practical medicine for adults. We provide medical-preventive care, we take biological material, application of vaccines, outpatient examinations and treatments, preoperative examinations, telephone consultations of health status and findings and other medical procedures. You can find our ambulance at Za Humny 298, Nový Jičín - Loučka.

Surgery, ambulance, services:
- general practitioner for adults
- comprehensive diagnostic, preventive and therapeutic care
- preventive inspection
- collection of biological material
- vaccination
- outpatient examination and treatment
- preoperative examination

- application of vitamin C - infusion therapy
- visiting service at the patient's place of residence by a doctor
- telephone consultation of health status and findings
- health assessment in order to obtain a driving license, food. and a firearms license
- examination of drivers over 60 years of age
- administrative activity - list of spa proposals, accident insurance, medical reports for life insurance, etc.

Office hours:
Monday: 8: 00-12: 00, 12: 45-14: 30
Tuesday: 8: 00-12: 00, 13: 00-15: 00 (visiting service)
8: 00-12: 00 (Rainbow Retirement Home), 13: 00-18: 00
Thursday: 8: 00-13: 00, 14: 00-16: 00 (visiting service)
Friday: 08:00 to 12:00.

Blood samples: 7:00 - 8:00 daily except Wednesday.




WEBSITE MUDr. Ingrid Jecminkova - Ordinace prakticke lekarky pro dospele, zavodni lekar


Za Humny 298
Novy Jicin - Loucka 741 01

+420 556 756 852

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