Vladimir Kozisek

Zahradni 2077/16, Plzen 2 - Slovany 326 00

  • mobile telephones, smart phones, telephones for seniors, repairs of cellular phones, mobile phone covers, cellular telephone chargers, cell phone batteries
  • expert opinion elaboration, vehicle valuation, appraisal of technical condition, assessment of financial damage amount
  • TV stations, radio station, internet radio, television studio, public television, cable television
  • white technology sales, black technology sales, small household appliances, appliance servicing, refrigerator sales, wash machine sales
  • individual building designs, animated visualisations of interiors, family house designing, interior design
  • multimedia freeware and software, consumer electronics, sound and image, home cinemas, players and converters
  • interior and exterior lamps, lamps and chandeliers, spot lights, light sources, LED lighting
  • telephones and faxes, cable distribution systems, telephone exchange, analog and digital telecommunications, GSM gateways

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