Mivac Management, s.r.o.

Vitkova 151/26, Praha 8 - Karlin 186 00

  • accommodation services, rooms and suites, hotel service, boarding in hotels
  • above-ground pools, sunken swimming pools, sliding pool roofing, portable swimming pool covers, pool accessories, swimming pool maintenance
  • offer of alcoholic drinks, soft drinks, cocktails, discotheques, bartender shows
  • fitness centre, exercise machines, fitness equipment, physical condition, stretching muscles, treadmills
  • musculoskeletal apparatus therapies, post-traumatic condition therapies, finnish sauna with cooling pool, massaging services, spa care
  • massage services, rehabilitation services, physiotherapy services, care of locomotor system, rehabilitation after injuries, massage aids
  • offer of congress venues, professional training rooms, accommodation for companies, company presentations and corporate events
  • cold meals, hot meals, seated refreshments, catering service, social events

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