BOZP a PO Milan Kovarik

The company Milan Kovařík provides comprehensive services in the field of occupational health and safety - occupational health and safety and fire protection. Our services include the elaboration of mandatory occupational health and safety documentation, mandatory annual inspections, search, assessment and evaluation of risks, investigation of occupational accidents, training, elaboration of mandatory fire protection documentation, management, inspection and updating of fire safety documentation, fire prevention inspections and other activities. We are located at Dělnická 1020/54, Prague.

- services in the field of occupational health and safety (safety and health at work) and fire protection (fire protection)
- safety and health protection at work, fire protection
- elaboration, elaboration of obligatory documentation of occupational health and safety and fire safety
- carrying out mandatory annual health and safety inspections
- risk identification, assessment and evaluation
- elaboration of working procedures, instructions and internal regulations
- carrying out health and safety inspections at workplaces
- investigation of work accidents
- management, control and updating of PO documentation
fire risk assessment
- fire alarm directives
- carrying out fire prevention inspections
- performing a professional audit of fire protection solutions in your company
- investigation of fires, provision of reporting obligations
- training in the field of occupational safety and health.

Implementation of health and safety control activities.

If you are interested in our services, do not hesitate to contact us.

Contact us with the form
WEBSITE BOZP a PO Milan Kovarik
BOZP a PO Milan Kovarik


Delnicka 1020/54
Praha 7 - Holesovice 170 00
+420 731 478 068

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