Leona Kulhankova

Pod Petrovem 302, Stity 789 91

  • coffee beans, ground coffee, decaffeinated coffee, coffee substitutes, fruit teas, green tea, black tea, herbal teas, loose tea, tea bags, gift teas
  • seasoning mixes, broths and bouillons, seasoning sauces, marinades and pastes, liquid seasonings, crushed herbs
  • chicken meat, pork, beef, veal, turkey, sausages, bacon and lard, slaughterhouses and meat processing plants
  • frozen meat, frozen fish, deep frozen vegetable mixes, frozen half-products, frozen fruit, ice cream and ice lollies
  • carbonated nonalcoholic beverages, non-carbonated soft drinks, mineral water and juices, table water, baby water, lemonades for children
  • seasonal fruits, seasonal vegetables, imported fruit and vegetables, heat treated vegetables, dried fruits, fruit products, vegetable products
  • jasmine rice, long-grain rice, dry lentils, dry beans, dry peas, eggless pasta, italian pasta
  • sale of spirits and brandy, grape marc distillates, fruit spirits, noble spirit drinks
  • lager beer, beer specials, yeast beer, pale and dark beers, half-dark beers, non-alcoholic beer, fruit beer, draft beer equipment
  • barrel wines, dry wines, semi-dry wines, semi-sweet wines, sweet wines, pink wines, red wines, green wines
  • sweets and desserts, wedding cakes, birthday cakes, tea biscuits, corpuses, toppings
  • fresh milk, butter and butter products, cheese and whey, sweet cream, sour cream, cottage cheese
  • fresh eggs, cage breed eggs, bio eggs, dried egg whites, dried egg mix, egg products
  • pastry and cakes, bread and rolls, baking mixtures, mill products, wheat flour, sourdough bread
  • food products, mill products, sugar refinery products, animal and vegetable fats

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