Ales Janatka

Slovenska 75, Jaromer - Cihelny 551 01
Electrical work

Heating works

Machine cleaning

- wastes


- tiling works


- masonry work


- pipes without draining water

Plumbing work

  • electrical installations in new buildings, electrical installations in reconstructed buildings, house electrical wiring, lightning conductor installation, electrical revisions
  • laying of ceramic tiles, laying of ceramic floor tiling, stair tiling, silicone tile sealing, anchoring strips installation
  • installation of heat distribution systems, local heating installation, installation of individual central heating, central heating installation, distance heating installation, underfloor heating installation
  • water piping installation, water connections, water distribution and sewer system, installation of water meters, installation of water taps
  • construction and masonry work, building of brick walls, stone and concrete walls, old facade repairs
  • water underground utilities, sewage utilities, water-service pipes, sewer connections, heat distribution, power distribution networks

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