Jiri Zapadlo

Kpt. Rubena 381, Zidlochovice 667 01
Jobs, services:
- care for trees and shrubs in cities, buildings, gardens and parks
- we prune trees (dry, broken branches, crown reduction, shaping)
- felling in built-up areas and cramped conditions - so-called risk felling
- cutting of fruit trees
- maintenance of neglected areas (air raid cut, miter brushcutter)
- small-scale plantings and post-planting care
- assessment of the operational safety of trees
- static securing of the tree crown
- We perform high-altitude work on the margins - painting roofs, sweeping snow and removing icing from roofs, washing windows.

We are insured for CZK 5 million for possible emergency situations.

  • comprehensive landscaping, garden arrangements, park design, territorial system of ecological stability, revitalization of watercourses, landscape reclamation, alley planting, elimination of invasive plant species
  • painting at heights, assembly technology provision, paints of roofs and facades, tree cutting, building window cleaning, billboard assembly

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