Ing. Urban - ENOP

Legii 880/36, Liberec XIV - Ruprechtice 460 14
-installation of heating and water distribution
- construction of transfer stations including measurement and regulation
- gasification of buildings and construction of gas boilers
- construction and excavation work
- consulting services and design work
- two casing pipe distributions at petrol stations

  • installation of gas systems, inspection of gas equipment, maintenance of gas distribution network, gas fitter services, repairs of gas pipelines and gas installations
  • installation of heat distribution systems, local heating installation, installation of individual central heating, central heating installation, distance heating installation, underfloor heating installation
  • water piping installation, water connections, water distribution and sewer system, installation of water meters, installation of water taps
  • foundation excavations, excavations for heat pumps, pool pit excavations, earth movement, demolition works

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