INVAID, s.r.o.

Zarosicka 4292/30, Brno 628 00
Our company deals with independent financial consulting in the areas of personal and corporate finance. We help clients solve family, personal and financial matters. We will always propose the most suitable and advantageous solution for you. We have dozens of different products. Our expertise contributes to superior relationships with our clientele. We will give you free advice on how to increase your income, reduce expenses, finance a better home and how to fulfill all your financial goals. We will compare the selected variants with other solutions on the market. The foundation of a financial plan is short-term and long-term goals.
We will first analyze your income and expenses and then draft a financial plan. Subsequently, the following benefits result from this for you: you will have an overview of your finances, you will ensure the fulfillment of your goals, you will reduce the cost of solving future plans and thus shorten the time to fulfill your dreams.

We will advise free of charge how to:
-increase your income
-reduce your expenses
-finance better housing
-fulfill your financial goals etc.

  • financial products, saving for children, saving for retirement, building society account, life insurance, shares funds, mortgage loans

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