Obec Velky Malahov

Velky Malahov 28, Velky Malahov 346 01
The village of Velký Malahov can be found in the Plzeň Region, about twenty kilometers north of the district town of Domažlice and 12 kilometers from Horšovské Týn. The first written mention of the village dates back to 1379. Velký Malahov also includes two smaller villages, Jivjany and Ostromeč. At present, a total of 250 inhabitants live here. The village is a member of the Association of Domažlice.

Village facilities:
- local library
- football field.

Sights, tourism:
- Chapel of the Visitation of the Virgin Mary
- Chapel of the Heart of the Lord, Ostromeč
- Chapel of St. Crosses, Jivjany
- Celtic open-air museum Jivjany.

Throughout the year, we also organize a number of events, including fairground celebrations, children's day celebrations and various meetings and hobby courses.
Our village is full of peace and quiet, which people come here to draw from the cities, which have their cottages and cottages here.

Office hours, Velký Malahov municipal office:
- Monday: 07:00 - 15:30
- Wednesday: 14:00 - 18:00
- Friday: 07:00 to 14:00

  • public administration of region, city public administration, public administration of municipalities, state administration authorities, municipal police, register office, passports and driving licenses

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