Obecni urad Januv Dul

c.p. 75, Januv Dul 463 52
The independent mountain village of Janův Důl was first documented in 1569. A small monument is a chapel built in 1796. The development of the village is mainly concentrated along the Dolení Paseky - Osečná road, only its parts Suchý Janův Důl and Zadní Ves are distant. The building of the former school is today the seat of the municipal office, trade and space for cultural and social activities of citizens. The recreational offer of the village is represented by the Camping 2000 complex, built from a farmstead, and a swimming pool in an artificial water reservoir. The red marked hiking trail passes through the village and heads south to the vicinity of the Jenišovský mill to the main spring of Ploučnice.

Office Hours
Monday: 11:00 - 19:00
Tuesday - Friday: 07:00 to 13:00

  • public administration of region, city public administration, public administration of municipalities, state administration authorities, municipal police, register office, passports and driving licenses

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