ALTEA Computer s.r.o.

Prachaticka 213, Praha 9 - Letnany 199 00
Providing service and outsourcing, complete solutions and implementation of LAN, WAN, WiFi networks. Online store operation. Software development.

The company ALTEA Computer, s.r.o. was founded in May 2005 in Prague.

Currently, the company ALTEA Computer is one of the important sellers of computer technology not only in the Czech Republic, but also in Slovakia, and enjoys an annual increase in sales, which is evidence of a healthy and successful business strategy.

Comprehensive customer services.

ALTEA Computer s.r.o. provides comprehensive IT services for its customers.

  • desktop PC, desk-size computers, notebooks up to 15", laptops over 15", PC memory cables, laptop chargers, laptop bags, optical mouses
  • PC components, copiers and printers, computers and scanners, computer software, telecommunication equipment, calculators and data banks
  • outsourcing of company processes, rent of external resources, IT services outsourcing, HR administration outsourcing, outsourcing of accounting and bookkeeping, corporate costs reduction
  • computer data backup, software installation, pc component installation, pc servicing, internal pc network building, software to order

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