Marie Blahnikova - KT TRANS

Akatova 492, Klatovy 339 01
Marie Blahníková provides services in the field of freight and transport. We focus mainly on the transport of bulk materials by tipping semi-trailers. You can also buy sand, gravel, decorative aggregate or duck. We are based in the town of Klatovy on the street Akátová 492.

Services, transport, road transport:
- domestic freight, domestic freight
- transport of materials by tipping semi-trailers
- transport of bulk materials
- transport of materials and building components.

- sand
- gravel
- decorative aggregates
- duck.

Do you need to transport or purchase sand, gravel or other bulk material? And you don't know who to contact? Marie Blahnikova - KT TRANS will help you with this problem.

  • stone processing, decorative stones, distribution of stone pavements, stone steps
  • small stoneware, bratčice grit, polished sand, backfill sand, other construction materials
  • domestic freight transport, truck transport, railway transport of goods, trailer combination

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