1. ceska optimisticka spol. s r.o.

Prikop 843/4, Brno 602 00
Law Office.

Lawyer services:
- corporate, commercial law
-construction work
-Civil Law
- compensation for damages
-administrative law
-family law.

Financial resources:
-investment consultancy for the territory
- business and industrial insurance
-domestic and foreign loans
- business support in the Czech Republic and the EU.

- elaboration of European legal and
economic projects (EPP) of cooperation
- assessment of already existing projects within the EC.

Doing business in Slovakia:
-establishment of companies
- business consulting
- tax consultancy for entrepreneurs in the Slovak Republic.

  • professional financial counselling, investment consultancy, credit assistance, insurance counseling, housing financing
  • consumer loans, bridging loans, mortgage refinancing, consolidation of loans, leasing of cars
  • legal services, civil and commercial law, financial service law, criminal and administrative law, family and constitutional law
  • business consulting, management consultancy, corporate strategy creation, development of competency models, performance management counselling

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