Knihovna mesta Hradce Kralove

Tomkova 177/17, Hradec Kralove 500 01
Services of the central rental office:
- fiction loans
- loans of scientific literature
- borrowing magazines and newspapers
- loans of foreign language fiction
- full-time loans from specialized funds
- loans from other libraries through the interlibrary loan service
- orientation information
- library information education lessons and excursions for secondary schools.

Reading room:
The reading room is adjacent to the central rental office
on the ground floor of building No. 177, Tomkova Street; has a separate entrance from the main corridor.

Reading room services:
- on-site borrowing of magazines and newspapers; in a free selection, the latest issues of the current year are displayed here
- full-time and absentee borrowing of visual publications and others
literature on visual arts, exhibited in a free selection
- copying.

  • librarian services, audio media hire, magazines and journals rental, attendance book loan, outside book loans, registration of new readers, lectures for readers

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