Purkyňova 95a,
61200 Brno - Královo Pole
Static securing of buildings (static assessment) using HELIFIX technology:
- stabilization of bulging walls, repairs
(sandwich masonry, stitching cracks in masonry)
-repairs (brick arches, lintels, vaults).
Height work:
- assembly and disassembly of technical units
-painting and cleaning:
-we paint and clean all types
roof, cornices, gutters, downspouts, balconies,
chimneys, tanks, silos and reservoirs,
crane tracks, paraducts, concrete blocks
-we also carry out coatings on pure zinc
-washing glass surfaces and glasses
-complete supply of chimney bodies:
-inlaying, facade chimneys, factory
chimneys, made with the Roka Ráža system
-reconstruction of roof trusses and roof greenhouses
-attachment of heat insulating walls and jointing
-advertisements and lighting at heights:
- we make and place advertisements in heights
-we implement their color design
-we also mount advertisements on chimneys and silos.
- insulation of flat roofs
waterproofing modified asphalt strips
-sound and thermal insulation of walls, houses and apartments
- insulation of cellars, foundations of buildings, tanks,
rehabilitation work (rehabilitation)
- insulation of flat roofs with the VEDAG foil system
-local and general roof repairs
- protective and revitalizing coatings
- supply and installation of insulation
contact facade systems CUSTOM
-Hydro isolation.
- reconstruction and rebuilding of family homes
houses, housing cores, footboards and interiors
-demolition of buildings (removal of buildings)
- conversions and additions
- reconstruction and reconstruction of flat and gable roofs
-reconstruction of house steps
- distribution of water, heat, gas and electricity
-reconstruction of housing cores
- reconstruction of balconies, staircases, railings
- reconstruction of facades including insulation
internal and external construction modifications
- interior work (flooring,
painting, painting, carpentry)
- reconstruction of existing windows,
or replacement (wood, plastic, metal).
Locksmith work and small production:
-production and assembly of plumbing elements
(gutters, gutters, downspouts, etc.)
- assembly and disassembly of technological units
-demolition of chimneys, towers and steel structures
-construction of skylights, banners
- reconstruction of existing chimneys.
Interior work:
-painting and painting work, laying carpets
-working with plasterboard
-plumbing, carpentry and roofing work.
Engineering activity:
-implementation, minor constructions (including project documentation)
-preparations for construction.

  • izolace spodních staveb, opláštění budov, tepelné izolace, zvukové izolace, izolace bazénů, protihluková izolace, izolace střech, izolace proti chemikáliím
  • mytí oken, průmyslové čištění, instalace reklamy, instalace systémů proti ptactvu, opravy střech, natěračské práce, montážní práce, úklid sněhu ze střech
  • zámečnické služby, služby kovovýroby, výroba plotů, výroba mříží, výroba zábradlí, výroba schodišť, úprava kovů
  • světelné panely, neonové nápisy, reklamní vlajky, firemní praporky, výroba velkoplošných reklam
  • stavební činnost, zateplení objektů, výměna oken a dveří, úspora energie, estetický vzhled budovy

Czech Companies
Insulation work, Work at heights, Locksmith work, Advertising production, Reconstruction and revitalization

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