MEDIATEL, spol. s.r.o.

Vyskocilova 1442/1b, Praha 4 140 00
MEDIATEL is a modern media agency with a wide portfolio of online marketing services and printed advertising for small and medium-sized companies or sole proprietors (SME / SMB). We will produce and implement a marketing strategy tailored to you and with a guarantee. We will differentiate you from the competition and you will see more.

We will prepare an optimized website for Google search engines and Seznam (SEO) in a design suitable for mobile phones and tablets. We will support your website with Pay Per Click (PPC) AdWords and Sklik (SEM) campaigns. We will not only create a Facebook Fanpage for you on social networks, but we will also take care of your fans. We will support the name of your company on G +, Twitter, LinkedIn, FourSquare, Pinterest…
Customers can easily find you in the ZlatéStránky.CZ online catalog, in the printed Zlaté stránky, in mobile applications and in the Travel Guide catalog. We will supplement the Internet advertisement with a recorded Video spot, a Virtual 3D tour of your premises, or Professional photographs.

With Mediatel you get comprehensive marketing services in one place and you always have an overview of their return thanks to accurate statistics. We will bring you more customers!

Special offer
Every month we have prepared special offers for you in the form of bonus products and discount promotions. Contact your media consultant, who is available for free consultation meetings. If you do not yet have a media consultant, contact the Mediatel infoline. As a hot news, we have prepared a design website for mStránky with simple administration. If you have not yet downloaded our mobile applications to your mobile phones, look in your app store: Yellow pages, Where to eat and drink, I want a Taxi, Medical guide, Night pages.

  • advertising slogans, promotional banners, marketing market research, Internet marketing, advertising campaigns, graphic design, websites creation, advertising media

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