Lipová 874,
33202 Starý Plzenec
Our company Jaroslav sejpka is based in Pilsen, but performs work throughout the Czech Republic, but mostly in the Pilsen region. Its main activity is the execution of all earthworks, excavation works and demolition. We will prepare the basics for the house and water or gas connections. We also make landscaping and implement gardens according to the design or wishes of the customer. We also dig sumps, pools, ponds, wells and more. We have many years of experience with transhipment of existing engineering networks and construction of new networks. The employees of our company have the necessary qualifications and are properly trained. We own 6 excavators of various sizes, from a small to a large wheeled excavator. Of course, there are various sizes of buckets, sloping tilts, a hammer, a drilling rig. We provide transportation of material to or from the construction site. We also offer work with the MP 17 platform, hand height up to 17 m.

Our activity:

transhipment of utilities in any terrain (road, sidewalk, stream, etc.)

- preparation of engineering networks

- preparation of foundations for the house

- earthworks in small spaces

- drainage and vertical insulation

- construction of roads, sidewalks

- preparation for interlocking paving

- dismantling of the old fencing and implementation of the new

- preparation of holes for martens, settling and concreting of martens, settling of underburden boards, hanging of mesh and other work

related to fencing

- tearing or spreading topsoil

- all landscaping

- preparation and implementation of the garden according to the design

- material loading

We are located in Pilsen at 11 Zelinářská Street.

  • proměnné světelné značení, silniční značení, světelná dopravní návěstidla, plynulost dopravy
  • kovové konstrukce vrat, montáž kovového oplocení, příslušenství plotů a bran, kovové plotové dílce, kovové brány a branky
  • revitalizace zeleně, rekonstrukce zahrad, sadba stromů, výsadba vzrostlých stromů, keře a trvalky, ošetření trávníků, položení travní koberce
  • pokládka obkladů a dlaždic, velkoformátové obklady, obkládání schodů, spárovací hmoty, silikonové tmelení obkladů, obklady koupelen
  • výkop zeminy, úpravy terénů, výkopy pro inženýrské sítě, nakládání a převoz zeminy, zpevňování ploch
  • pozemní stavby, vodovodní potrubí, kanalizační přípojky, plynovody a kanalizace, stavební činnost, dopravní komunikace

Czech Companies
Traffic signs and light signaling, Metal gates and fences, Landscape, park and garden design, Tiling work, Earthwork and excavation work, Engineering networks