Obec Dolni Nivy

Dolni Nivy 75, Dolni Nivy 356 01
The village of Dolní Nivy covers an area of 1879.49 ha, at an altitude of 552 meters. The village is located in the district of Sokolov, Karlovy Vary Region. The cadastral territory of the village consists of parts of Dolní Nivy, Horní Nivy, Horní Rozmyšl and Boučí. The village was founded in the 16th century by dividing the village of Nový Grün into Horní Nový Grün and Dolní Nový Grün. The word Grün - grün is a defunct German term for farmland that was obtained from the forest by eradication or burning, overgrown with grass, but not yet cultivated. In the Czech language, the terms lada - niva correspond to this word. Hence the current official name according to the former location of the place.
In the past, there were mining in many places. An abandoned gallery has been preserved behind the Bartel Mill. However, the site was poor and unprofitable. Far more useful were the clay alluvium in the space between the road and the nearby forest.

At present, the village has about 300 inhabitants. Our village owns 1 municipal panel house with 27 flats and a municipal housing unit with two flats. The rest of the village consists of family houses, cottages and cottages.
There are 3 chapels in the village, on which building repairs are gradually being carried out.

Municipality, municipal office, services:
- Czech POINT.

Village facilities:
- municipal panel house
- municipal library
- sports and children's playground.

Monuments, sights of the village:
- a pseudo-Romanesque chapel from the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries with an altarpiece of the Holy Family
- original half-timbered houses.

The village of Dolní Nivy is a member of the Voluntary Union of Towns and Villages of Kraslicko. This association supports cross-border cooperation between the Czech and German territories, also seeks to obtain subsidies from European Union funds and cooperates with German partners in the development of cultural relations and tourism.

  • public administration of region, city public administration, public administration of municipalities, state administration authorities, municipal police, register office, passports and driving licenses

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