Alzbetiny Lazne, a.s.

Smetanovy sady 1145/1, Karlovy Vary 360 01
Alzbětiny lázně a.s. - the largest spa facility in the Czech Republic.

Disease of the digestive tract
Metabolic disorders and diseases
Diseases of the locomotor system
Conditions after oncological diseases
Neurological diseases.

Care provided:
Outpatient rehabilitation
Sale of procedures for individuals, groups or CK and CA.
Medical rehabilitation
Thermal water treatment
Peat treatment
Contribution spa treatment
Spa treatment
Examination by a spa doctor
Consultation with a doctor
Free sale of procedures
Prescription procedures.

Additional services and relaxation:
- swimming pool complex
- water bar
- laser center DENIFE
- permanent make-up
- hairdresser
- cosmetics
- pedicure
- manicure
- counseling center for natural healing methods
- massages
- baths
- rehabilitation
- electrotherapy
- infrared cabin
- salt Cave
- inhalation
- infrared sauna
- intestinal enema
- lymphatic drainage
- oxygen therapy
- VacuShape
- whole body cryotherapy.

The spa in Karlovy Vary has more than 600 years of tradition, the spa was and is sought after by guests from more than 80 countries.

  • rehabilitation procedures, remedial stays, spa stays, rehabilitation in swimming pool, accommodation in health resort, medical treatments

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Easy way to the spa 2012 - 2013, the Czech Republic

Easy way to the spa 2012 - 2013, the Czech Republic

The Alzbetiny Lazne a.s.(Elizabeth's Spa JSC) company has prepared yearly discount offer for you. This year we are starting to offer selected procedures at very favourable prices from November. Procedures at reduced prices can be taken from November 5 to December 21, 2012 and from January 14 to March 24, 2013. Prices of selected procedures can be found on the website,, and we would like to inform you that other treatments are still available at year-round rack rates. Do not hesitate to try treatments with winter discount or give your nearest and dearest a Christmas voucher!

Alzbetiny Lazne - Karlovy Vary (Elizabeth's Spa - Carlsbad)

Alzbetiny Lazne - Karlovy Vary (Elizabeth's Spa - Carlsbad)

Alzbetiny Lazne, JSC provides following services: Outpatient rehabilitation: - rehabilitation is intended for patients on a recommendation from a medical specialist or a general practitioner Contributory spa treatment: - based on a recommendation for spa treatment which is written out by a general practitioner or a medical specialist - after approval by the relevant health insurance company, therapeutic procedures are provided for 3 weeks - examinations and checkups by a spa doctor Direct sale of procedures: - commercially available - procedures available on medical prescription - on payment. Other services: - swimming pool - water bar - DENIFE laser centre - permanent make-up - specialized medical outpatient departments - counseling for natural healing methods - active motion treatment - cosmetic / beauty care - hairdresser's - massages - rehabilitation - more. For more info see link below: