Obec Malkov

Zelena 3, Malkov 431 02
The village of Málkov is located in the Chomutov district, Ústecký region. The first mention of Málkov is from 1361. The village is marked as villa Malkow, and it belongs to the Hasištejn estate.

The village consists of 4 local parts: Málkov, Zelená, Lideň, Vysoká.

Among the sights in the village of Málkov is the classicist chapel of St. Joseph from the end of the eighteenth century, next to which stands a linden protected as a memorial tree.

In the village of Málkov, there is a multi-purpose sports hall with a gym, fitness center, table tennis, restaurant and a sports complex with tennis courts.

The municipal office is located at Zelená 3, Málkov.

Office Hours:
Monday: 8.00 - 11.00/12.00 - 17.00
Wednesday: 8.00 - 11.00/12.00 - 17.00

  • public administration of region, city public administration, public administration of municipalities, state administration authorities, municipal police, register office, passports and driving licenses

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