Mestska knihovna ve Svitavach

Wolkerova alej 92/18, Svitavy 568 02
- city Library


section for mature readers
- (rental room, reading room, study room)
- lending books, magazines and audio documents
- contract service
- provision of MVS and MMVS
- use of the Internet
- face-to-face borrowing of books from the reference library and
publications of a regional nature
- answering bibliographic questions
- library-informatics education lessons for primary and secondary schools
- copying

Department for children's readers
- borrowing books and magazines
- contract service
- use of the Internet
- answering bibliographic questions
- library and IT education lessons for kindergartens and elementary schools
- organizing discussions and competitions for children

  • book hire service, registration of readers, reader's corner, online borrowing books, library services

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