Petr Reichenbach - sluzby elektro

Olbramkostel 169, Olbramkostel 671 51
The company Petr Reichrnbach, based in the Znojmo district in the South Moravian region, offers installation and service of television and satellite antennas, assembly and revision of electrical equipment and repairs of electronics. We also modify common TV antennas STA for the transition from DVB-T to DVB-T2.

Our activity:
- electrical work
- installation of antennas
- antenna systems
- consumer electronics
- revision of electrical equipment
- assembly of satellites
and more.

We are located in the town of Olbramokostel no. 169.

  • digital cameras, home cinemas and theatres, multimedia centres, projection equipment, video accessories, television accessories
  • sales of tv aerials, signal amplifiers, satellites, tv aerial accessories, tv cables
  • heavy current distribution systems, electrical wiring, wiring repairs, electrical equipment service, door bell wiring, intercom wiring, preparation of CATV wiring, Internet connection preparation

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