Kvetinarstvi Kytka

tr. Miru 965/105, Olomouc 779 00
Jana Kuchariková operates in Olomouc on the street tr. Miru 965/105 Flower shop Kytka.

Our main activity is funeral wrapping and wreaths, where we cooperate with the Fénix funeral service.

We also offer bouquets for every occasion, including wedding bouquets.

At the same time, we arrange not only cut but also dried flowers and also sell potted plants.

  • organic fertilizers, inorganic fertilizers, short-acting fertilizers, long-acting fertilizers, watering fertilizers, fertilizing granulate, fertilizer spraying
  • wedding and bridal bouquets, ceremonial bouquets, bunches of flowers for men, gerberas and lilies, chrysanthemums and carnations, funeral wreaths, callas and roses, tulips and orchids, floral arrangements, cut flowers, pot flowers

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