Autoskola Miroslav Vacek

Driving school Miroslav Vacek offers lessons and training for obtaining a driving license for groups A1, A2, A, B, B + A2. We also provide preparation for the examination of professional competence for the return of the driver's license. We offer conditioning rides for group B. We train drivers of reference vehicles.

Our goal is not only to obtain a driver's license, but also to acquire such driving abilities and skills, thanks to which you will be able to control the vehicle on the roads independently and safely.

Our teachers have many years of experience and make it a priority that the main thing is quality and not quantity. We approach all clients very responsibly, professionally and humanely.

Theoretical training takes place every Tuesday from 15:00 to 17:00 at the Secondary Vocational School Luhačovice, Masarykova 101, classroom number 108 and every Thursday from 15:00 to 17:00 at the JAK and JŠ Gymnasium with the right of SJZ Uherský Brod, Komenského 169, classroom number 403.

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WEBSITE Autoskola Miroslav Vacek
Autoskola Miroslav Vacek


Komenskeho 169
Uhersky Brod 688 01
+420 608 640 077

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