Darka company s.r.o.

Loosova 262/1 (OC Dukat), Brno - Lesna 638 00
The establishment of our company Darka dates back to 2008, when we opened our first store in Brno. Since then, we have expanded our portfolio of rich offerings - not only fresh coffee beans and quality loose teas - with dried fruits, spices and chocolates. Today, our offer includes more than 1100 types of goods. We roast coffee for you daily and select the best coffee beans from around the world. Treat yourself to a luxurious cup of coffee! We regularly and carefully select pure teas, which you will always find with us in first-class quality and freshness, from a rich selection of harvests from all over the world. Our flavored tea recipes are freshly blended based on oil flavors, which are gentle on digestion and have a long-lasting aroma and taste. We select only the best coffee for you: hand-picked plantation 100% arabica coffee. In our offer you will find coffees with SCA, Rainforest, Organic, Maragogype, Microlot and specialties. The offer includes 50 types of plantation selection coffees and 11 types of coffee tasting menus. We pay attention to the quality and freshness of our assortment, which is why we continuously roast or mix coffee and tea to achieve the best possible taste and aroma. Every bean of coffee is roasted with love.

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