Kohout engineering s.r.o.

U Albrechtova vrchu 1158/9, Praha - Stodulky 155 00
The company Kohout engineering s.r.o. with headquarters in Stodůlky, Prague, was founded on February 18, 2008 as a wholly owned subsidiary of the holding company e-invest group a.s. Its initial task is to provide the parent company with technical support and professional background for its projects.
Our projects focus on energy savings and renewable sources (mainly geothermal energy) and the use of technologies of the near future such as ORC systems, combined heat and power generation, electrolysis, cavitation and others.

Our activity:
- electrochemical activation of water and its application
- vacuum technology
- single-purpose machines and equipment and customer solutions of special technologies
- creating 3D models and 3D printing
- control systems and special SW
- spatial disinfection

  • mobile manipulators, special conveyor systems, palletizing cells, deburring machines, gluing stations
  • rodent control, disposal of microorganisms, sanitariness of buildings, pest control, insecticides use, protective spraying

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