Ke Hristi 163, Opatovice nad Labem 533 45
In our general practitioner's office for children and adolescents, we provide preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic care for children from the first days of life to their 19th birthday.

The services we provide to our patients include preventive examinations in order to have an overview of the health status of all children, vaccinations, both mandatory and above-standard, according to the optimal vaccination calendar, and the issuance of medical opinions.

Furthermore, of course, we take biological material and also shoot earrings.

I visit babies just released from the maternity hospital at home. Of course, if you feel good after giving birth, you can also come to our surgery. The visit must take place within 3 days of discharge from the hospital, ideally within 2 days.

We will tell you directly in the surgery within 10 minutes the level of C-reactive protein (CRP), orientation analysis of urine and possible occurrence of otitis media.

  • general practitioners for adults, treatment of patients, general practitioner for children, health facilities

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