Realitni kancelar Lorenc Michael s.r.o.

Slavickova 827/1a, Brno-Lesna 638 00
Telephone: +420 734 305 794

Realitní kancelář Lorenc Michael s.r.o. deals with the sale, lease and purchase of real estate. from Brno. It will take care of a comprehensive legal service, registration in the real estate register, but also tax returns.

Reg. No.: 08417041
VAT No.: CZ08417041
District: Brno-mesto
Country: The Czech Republic
Legal form: limited company
Employees: up to 5 employees
Turnover: 8 thousand - 20 thousand €

+420 734 305 794



GPS: 49°13′32.59″ N, 16°37′19.06″ E

Company's QR code Realitni kancelar Lorenc Michael s.r.o.

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