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+420 775 381 819

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Bohutinska 913
Bludov 789 61

MKPLASTIC-vyroba z plastu, s.r.o.

The company MKPLASTIC-výroba z plastov s.r.o., which you will find in Bludov u Šumperka, focuses on the production and sale of sumps and septic tanks, rainwater tanks, bathing barrels, above-ground plastic tanks. Furthermore, the complete construction of turnkey pools, from excavation to roofing.

We provide a complete supply of turnkey pools. From excavation and construction work, to the installation of a plastic tub and roofing. The pools are made of quality materials. We sell pool sets, or we make custom-made pools, either in our workshop or at the customer's.

Rainwater tanks, raincoats, are made of pure polypropylene and welded according to strict European standards. We also provide excavation work and installation of the tank.

We produce plastic septic tanks and sumps only from high-quality certified boards. They are made either according to the prescribed dimensions, but also tailored to the needs and wishes of the customer.

We are able to make lining of old sumps and septic tanks, swimming pools and tanks to order. We also produce towed exhaust, pipes, expansion water tanks.

Thermoplastics can be used in any industry. Thanks to its good properties, the dream works well with them.

We also sell plastic products for the garden, fishermen and winemakers or whirlpools.

We also focus on production for the galvanic or engineering industry.

Czech Companies

Septic tanks and sumpsSwimming poolsPlastic tanks and reservoirs



WEBSITE MKPLASTIC-vyroba z plastu, s.r.o.


Bohutinska 913
Bludov 789 61
+420 775 381 819

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