GreenTop s.r.o.

Zebetinek 48, Brno 621 00
The family company GreenTop s.r.o., based in Brno, deals exclusively with the creation of extensive green roofs. Thanks to many years of experience in construction in the construction of not only new, but also the reconstruction of older buildings, we offer comprehensive services in this sector. Our main advantage is reliability and diligence, and the company's goal is green roofs not only in the city of Brno. Green roofs bring a number of unquestionable benefits. They can capture rainwater, thus relieving the sewer system, but at the same time, thanks to the evaporation of the captured water through the leaves of plants, they cool and moisten their surroundings. This also significantly contributes to the cooling of the building in summer. Another significant advantage is the almost perfect protection of the roof waterproofing layer, which prolongs its service life. Thanks to these advantages, we also offer the implementation of a green roof for prefabricated and other large apartment buildings. The Green Savings program offered by the city of Brno can also be used on the green roof. From this program we offer you a comprehensive settlement of the financial contribution. It can be pumped not only for family houses, garages, sheds, etc., but also for the roofs of apartment buildings. If the conditions of construction readiness of the roof in question are met, we guarantee you an amount for implementation (excluding VAT) up to the amount of the total subsidy.

Our activity:
- roof design
- settlement of the subsidy (Green savings for the city of Brno)
- the actual implementation
- roof service

For more information you can visit us at Žebětínek 48 in Brno - Medlánky.

We are trying to make the world greener.

  • environmental projects, environmental equipment, landscape protection, protection of waterways, nature conservation, solar power plant designing

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