Vitezslav Dernicky pohrebni ustav CHARITAS, s.r.o.

Mitrovicka 89/339, Ostrava 724 00
Charitas Funeral Home provides comprehensive funeral services and in the most difficult moments of life, offers you help in ensuring a dignified farewell to your loved one. Our services include the complete provision of a funeral, the transport of the deceased, the excavation of graves, mourning ceremonies, the printing of a party, the provision of music, a speaker or a photographer. You can find us at Mitrovická 89/339, Ostrava.

Funeral home, service:
- comprehensive funeral services
- securing, arranging a funeral
- mourning ceremonies
- funerals with and without ceremony
- excavations of graves
- transport of the deceased throughout the Czech Republic and abroad
- in addition to the usual parades with a car, we can also send an old Czech funeral procession with horses, a funeral car and exclusive wind music
- providing music, speaker, photographer
- flowers, floral decoration
- printing of a mourning notice, parte
- sale of funeral and grave accessories.

Necessary documents for the funeral:
- ID card of the deceased (if available)
- ID card of the funeral director
- Birth or marriage certificate of the deceased
- In case of death at home, the doctor examines the sheets
- Clothing for the deceased to be placed in a coffin
- Alternatively, a photo, eg on the part.

Our funeral home provides highly professional services and places maximum emphasis on ethical and moral conduct in dealing with survivors.

  • transport of the deceased, burials and interments, cremation of the deceased, coffin sale, rental of halls for funerals, hearse hire

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