Ustav vyzkumu globalni zmeny AV CR, v. v. i.

Belidla 986/4a, Brno 603 00
The Institute of Global Change Research of the ASCR, v. V. I. - CzechGlobe focuses on the issue of ecological sciences, specifically on the problem of Global Change (GZ), which by its nature and possible consequences exceeds the basic thematic segments: atmosphere - ecosystem - socio-economic system. The seat of the institute is located at Bělidla 986 / 4a, Brno.

Institute of Global Change Research AS CR, v. V. I., CzechGlobe:
- focuses on the issue of ecological sciences, specifically on the problem of Global Change (GZ), which by its nature and possible consequences exceeds the basic thematic segments
- regionally, CzechGlobe reduces the problem of insufficient interconnection of the scientific and application spheres, uses the potential of education in ecological and eco-engineering fields
- produces new innovative practices in the field of "clean energy" and "eco-engineering", thus creating the potential for the emergence of new equipment and technologies, and contributing to the improvement of environmental education at all levels.

CzechGlobe Center of Excellence infrastructure:
- atmospheric station Křešín u Pacova in the Bohemian-Moravian Highlands
- network of ecosystem stations
- systems of long-term impact experiments
(phytotron hall with a cluster of growth chambers (phytotrons) with automatic regulation of the composition of the atmosphere, temperature, humidity and intensity and spectral composition of light. Field system of culture chambers)
- aeronautical laboratory of remote sensing
- Central Physiological, Isotopic and Metabolomics Laboratory of Plants
- Cabinet of Socio-Economic Studies
- training, information and demonstration center.

Research sector:
- Climate analysis and modeling section
- section of ecosystem analyzes
- section on environmental effects on terrestrial ecosystems
- section on human dimensions of the effects of global change
- section of adaptive and innovative techniques
- section on adaptation strategies.

  • research work, scientific and development work, material testing, product research, scientific activities, non-destructive testing

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