Hotel Hornik

Tri Studne, Frysava pod Zakovou horou 592 04
Accommodation, hotel:
- 2 to 3 bed rooms
- Possibility of extra bed and bathroom directly in the rooms
- restaurant
- sauna
- fitness
- trainings, presentations, parties

Tourist part:
- 2 to 5 bed rooms without extra bed. Showers and toilets are shared here

  • accommodation services, rooms and suites, hotel service, boarding in hotels
  • accommodation and events for companies, facilities for training and accommodation, congresses and workshops with accommodation, corporate presentations and courses, convention centre, corporate parties
  • accommodation facility services, in-house car park, basic room equipment, separate sanitary facilities, in-house kitchen
  • lunches and dinners, game specialities, dishes offer, alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, weddings and graduations

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