BALUSTRADY Mohelnice s.r.o.

Repova 41, Mohelnice 789 85
The company BALUSTRÁDY Mohelnice s.r.o. specializes in the manufacture, sale and installation of hardened marble products suitable for exterior and interior. We produce fountains, fountains, balustrades, animal sculptures, columns, vases, garden sinks and the Passion. We are located in the town of Mohelnice, district of Šumperk.

Production, sale, e-shop, internet shop, assembly:
- hardened marble products
- garden balustrades
- animal sculptures, dwarves
- sculptures
- flower pots, boxes, troughs
- pedestals, columns
- decorative fences
- garden sinks
- Japanese lamps
- pool edges
- fence posts
- straight, arched stairs
- Calvary
- garden furniture, tables, coffee tables
- possibility of custom production.

  • garden tools, decorative stones, wooden constructions and furniture, plastic ponds, plant nutrition, decorative elements

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