Karel Fisera

Na Parohach 925, Pardubice - Svitkov 530 06
Forensic expert Karel Fišera performs expert opinions in the field of prices and estimates of motor vehicles of all types and motorcycles for clients from the Pardubice region.

Forensic expert, expert opinions, estimates:
- motor vehicles
- motorcycles
- motor vehicles of all kinds
- estimates of motor vehicle prices
- estimates of prices of motorcycles, motorbikes
- car price estimates.

I also provide advice and representation to the client on the basis of a power of attorney for negotiations with insurance companies.

I have had practical experience in the field of motor vehicles and insurance for about 40 years.
Do not hesitate to contact me by phone in order to agree on the procedure in question.

I also communicate in English.

  • property valuation, market value, expert opinions, specialized expert reports, assessment and valuation of property

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