Lukas Fiala

Divaky 60, Divaky 691 71
We deal with graphic design, we will provide you with all graphic processing of printed matter for any occasion. Are you planning a wedding? We will create a wedding collection just for you - wedding printed matter from announcements to wedding newspapers. Menu cards, meeting schedule, program, staff and cards for small gifts for guests. Are you a start-up company? We will design a logo, business cards, graphics for Facebook pages and other types of advertising (banners, flyers, banners and more). As part of the company's Facebook page, we are also able to provide professional management of these pages. Are you planning another important event? Contact us and we will arrange everything from invitations, through birthday newspapers, to original name tags or funny placards.

  • data transmission, output device, compact disc, printing services, inkjet and laser printer, offset printing
  • computer preparations, pictorial digitization, graphic work, PC platform, electronic data

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