ZooDom Slovakia, s.r.o.

Bajkalska 29F, Bratislava - mestska cast Ruzinov 821 05

  • congressional services, conference services, exhibition services, organization of exhibitions, openings organization, rental of exhibition halls
  • storage facilities, storage system, storage services, goods stocktaking, goods sorting by batches, rental of refrigerated warehouses
  • non-bank mortgages, property-secured loans, property valuation, loan consolidations, auction pay offs, execution pay offs
  • double-entry accounting, accounting documents, tax evidence, taxes and returns, wage calculation, audits
  • publishing service, print service, sales of professional literature, book distribution, non-periodic publications
  • rental of of immovable property, home sale, real estate activities, office premises, flats and houses
  • non-food goods, small consumer items

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