Tossmann Optics, s.r.o.

Farska 8, Trencin 911 01

  • real estate agencies, sale of flats, sale of homes, rental of commercial premises, association of real estate agencies
  • business consulting, management consultancy, corporate strategy creation, development of competency models, performance management counselling
  • creative studio, 3D visualization and animation, Internet applications, webdesign work, advertising production
  • electronic equipment, white goods, hygiene articles, household equipment, musical instruments
  • medical equipment, operating tables and lights, devices for rehabilitation, internal medicine, cardiology and gynaecology
  • medical aids and requisites, medical supplies, bandage and dressing material, forearm crutches, wheelchairs for the handicapped, lifting equipment for patients
  • laminating and rewinding devices, special conveyors, impulse welder, machine components, testing equipment

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