Oldrich Lukac

Baskovce 96, Baskovce 073 01

  • non-bank mortgages, property-secured loans, property valuation, loan consolidations, auction pay offs, execution pay offs
  • accountancy processing, financial and managerial accounting, tax processing, audit services, financial statement audits, audits of economic reports
  • floor laying, floor grinding, renovation of parquet floors, floor waxing, laying of carpets, carpet removall
  • logistic services, storage spaces, warehouse networks, storehouse rental, bonded warehouse
  • other consumer goods, kitchen accessories, bathroom accessories, living room accessories
  • concrete building elements, pavements and prefabricated elements, kerbs and palisades, small cement products
  • sawmill production, coniferous joinery timber, broadleaved joinery timber, lumber impregnation, planing of lumber, work with timber loader
  • goods packaging for transport, consignment packaging, aluminium foil packaging, wooden box packaging
  • demolition of foundations, construction of brick walls, wall plastering, reconstruction of sanitary units, demolition work

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