Ivan Muka - Akum

Horna 81, Banska Bystrica 974 01

  • all manual work, custom craftsman work, handmade work, other professions and services
  • Internet advertising, advertising in print media, television and radio advertising, advertising strategy, media plan creation, evaluation of advertising campaigns
  • household cleaning, cleaning of public spaces, cleaning buildings and windows, vacuuming carpets, linen ironing, dusting and floor cleaning
  • electronic equipment, white goods, hygiene articles, household equipment, musical instruments
  • geotechnical survey, construction of underground walls, jet grouting, excavation work, foundation plates
  • foundation excavations, excavations for heat pumps, pool pit excavations, earth movement, demolition works
  • rental of of immovable property, home sale, real estate activities, office premises, flats and houses
  • laminating and rewinding devices, special conveyors, impulse welder, machine components, testing equipment

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