Glass Partners Transports Slovakia, s.r. o

Pristavna 10, Bratislava - Ruzinov 821 09

  • sales of passenger cars, car rent service, sedan sales, car accessory sales, passenger car servicing, authorised car dealer
  • non-bank mortgages, property-secured loans, property valuation, loan consolidations, auction pay offs, execution pay offs
  • accountancy processing, financial and managerial accounting, tax processing, audit services, financial statement audits, audits of economic reports
  • storage facilities, storage system, storage services, goods stocktaking, goods sorting by batches, rental of refrigerated warehouses
  • small mechanisation, utility machines, precise technology and equipment, electronic equipment
  • book reservation for lending, bibliographic-information service, literature searches, book and magazine lending library
  • other consumer goods, kitchen accessories, bathroom accessories, living room accessories

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