Farby-laky SK, s.r.o.

Tibavska 16, Sobrance 073 01

  • cottage rent, mobile house sales, village house rent procurement, recreational object sales
  • family type accommodation, room renting, single rooms, double rooms, rooms with several beds, bed and breakfast
  • accountancy processing, financial and managerial accounting, tax processing, audit services, financial statement audits, audits of economic reports
  • foundation excavations, excavations for heat pumps, pool pit excavations, earth movement, demolition works
  • Internet advertising, advertising in print media, television and radio advertising, advertising strategy, media plan creation, evaluation of advertising campaigns
  • workshop tools, files and rasps, vices, grinding wheels, screwdrivers, hammers and axes, iron nails
  • construction piles, building micropiles, underground walls, rock anchors, jet grouting, shoring of foundation pit
  • other consumer goods, kitchen accessories, bathroom accessories, living room accessories

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