Consulting & Management, s.r.o.

Stare Grunty 186, Bratislava - mestska cast Karlova Ves 841 04

  • desktop PC, desk-size computers, notebooks up to 15", laptops over 15", PC memory cables, laptop chargers, laptop bags, optical mouses
  • business consulting, management consultancy, corporate strategy creation, development of competency models, performance management counselling
  • translations of specialized texts, certified official translations, translations of official documents, interpreting services
  • Internet advertising, advertising in print media, television and radio advertising, advertising strategy, media plan creation, evaluation of advertising campaigns
  • publishing of periodicals, book publishing, music publishing, publisher's activity, publishing supplementary publications
  • double-entry accounting, accounting documents, tax evidence, taxes and returns, wage calculation, audits
  • daily newspapers, regional papers, periodicals, tabloids, newspaper subscription

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