Agrovin Casta, a.s.

Druzstevna, Casta 900 89

  • family type accommodation, room renting, single rooms, double rooms, rooms with several beds, bed and breakfast
  • storage facilities, storage system, storage services, goods stocktaking, goods sorting by batches, rental of refrigerated warehouses
  • soya beans, pea and bean seeds, lentil seeds, oilseed rape, sunflower and Jerusalem artichoke, linseed and flaxseed, poppy heads
  • growing crops, crop production, agricultural commodities, food wheat, malting barley, fodder millet
  • seed reproduction, crop plant seedlings, plant growing, seeds for sowing, vegetative propagation of plants
  • production of plant seeds, production and distribution of cereals, hay and straw pressing, pasture mulching, corn silos
  • rental of cottages and cabins, accommodation in the mountains, recreational facilities, holiday at cottage

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